ZenClub Community
"A place where time stands still. 
BE WHO YOU ARE and WHO YOU WANT TO BE, supported by love, led by experts and driven by contribution."

With Jen Zoë Hall

TEDx speaker, personality specialist, horse whisperer, relationship and self-mastery expert.
 Sick And Tired Of Feeling Unsupported and Alone? Well You Don't Have To Be...
Not anymore. 
In a world of chaos and isolation, we are all CRAVING a community of serenity and empowerment that also speaks to a higher purpose...
Community of Like-Minded Individuals
Personal Mentoring with Jen Zoë
Access to Exclusive Zenerjen Content
Contribution to Rescue Horses
You can't go to the gym once and expect to have six pack abs. 
You can't study a language once and speak it fluently... 

The same applies for true success in all areas of life from fitness to relationships.

Picture what your life looks like 1 month, 6 months, 1 year from now if...
- You understood the Power of Proximity
- You had support of others that had been where you are
- You didn't have to go through the struggle of the process

SUFFERING IS A CHOICE, you don't have to go it alone!

ZEN Femme Quantum Community is dedicated to providing extraordinary content to you in a multi-sensory way, using systematic approaches that help you design and achieve your dream life. 

What does that level of fulfillment look like? What does it feel like?

Jen Zoë gives you the CONSISTENT training & accountability to get to your next level. She brings you in with loving arms and an intimate connection and coaching right off the bat. 

You'll master the same proven strategies that Jen has learned from the greats like Tony Robbins, Brene Brown, and Jesse Itzler and apply it to lead a life of massive purpose, passion, abundance and happiness... 
This Type Of Community Doesn't Exist Anywhere Else!
  •  100+ Hours of On-Demand Trainings
  • ​The Persona Intelligence System
  •  Live Coaching with Jen Zoë 
  •  Contribution to Build a Better World for Horse Rescue
  •  A Community of Like-Minded Achievers to Create an Ecosystem of Support



Choose From Three Ways To:
Master Every Area of Your Life...And Support Rescue Horses While You Do It!
Let’s break it all down.


  • Monthly LIVE Open Forum with Jen Zoë and Zenerjen's unique teachers
  • Access to the 10 Days of Self Mastery Challenge
  • Access to the Private Community 
  • ​Membership Discounts 
  • ​Loyalty Surprises
  • ​Contribution to Horses
  • ​​Weekly 'Free Coaching Friday' LIVEs with Jen
  • ​Weekly Theta Healing meditations 

2 AM Inner Circle

  • Weekly LIVE Open Forum with Jen Zoë and Zenerjen's unique teachers
  • Access to the 10 Days of Self Mastery Challenge
  • Access to the Private Community 
  • ​Membership Discounts 
  • ​Loyalty Surprises
  • ​Contribution to Horses
  • ​​PRIVATE onboarding and welcome call with Jen Zoë 
  • ​ACCESS to "Persona Intelligence" Virtual Course 
  • ​​Weekly 'Free Coaching Friday' LIVEs with Jen
  • ​Weekly Theta Healing meditations
  • ​Monthly Exclusives
That's well over $4,000 of value... FREE!
You'd actually be crazy not to ;)
I wouldn't be where I am in my relationship with myself or my business if it wasn't for Jen Zoë.
Ranna P.
Being a part of The Quantum Community has given me the focus and accountability I have needed in order to achieve my goals.
Daniela N.

A Note From Our Founder: The Story

I woke up one day and realized that I was "weird", that I didn't belong except maybe on the Island of Misfit Toys! 

I cried, I felt ALONE, isolated, like no one would just accept ME FOR ME. 
Have you ever felt like that? 

My journey really began when after studying a unique way to train horses, I discovered personal development. I realized that the connection between what I was doing with horses and how they could help people was way more than merely "training horses'. So I began my mission of bringing people together and healing through horses. 

It wasn't always an easy journey. I was stuck in a bad marriage and felt completely hopeless to follow my dreams. I was trying my best to do what I 'should' only to face misery and feeling trapped everyday. Everything seemed good on the outside, but on the inside I was dying. And then I learned that the life that I was living was a complete house of cards and I found that life as I knew it was over. A disastrous divorce, unsure of the future and now finding myself almost 40, waitressing and alone. 

The one thing I had that saved me was my horse.

What I didn't know at the time was...

It was the beginning and it was going to take more than I ever thought possible.

And so I began, taking my pain everyday and putting one foot in front of the other, I did whatever I needed to to make ends meet. I was putting on that 'face' of bravery for the world and trying rebuild my life. 

I knew I was doing something right with the work I was doing with the horses, I just didn't know where it would lead me or how hard it was going to be. The feeling of isolation was crushing and I longed for love and connection. So I studied and learned and went to every seminar, retreat expo, fair, networking event I could manage. I read hundreds of books, worked my butt off as I built what is now known as Zenerjen, my soul's purpose for being on planet Earth and how I know I can serve people just like you!

And through the vision of growth and service, saving horses and changing lives, I have created the NEW Quantum Community. I am so excited about this community and project. It is the grass roots of connection through Source, horses, nature and each other. A space that is safe to connect, learn grow and serve. To love horses, each other and ourselves. 

It's simple. And shouldn't life be a little more simple?
So, what happens after 14 days?
After 14 days you will be charged monthly based on which ZenClub package you choose.
Is there a guarantee?
If after 14 days you choose the ZenClub is not for you, simply let the Zenerjen Team know and you will not be charged.
What’s next?
Join the ZenClub today and get a taste of learning through the spirit of the horse!
Try it risk-free. You’ve got nothing to lose.


Is this just another Facebook group?
Nope! All of our content is hosted on a private server, off social media, in a safe container. We pride ourselves on our private experiences, and know everyone is tired of being thrown into another Facebook group pretending it adds some kind of value. 

How often does the group meet?
Jen Zoë hosts mini-classes, Theta meditation and free coaching sessions at throughout each week. Plenty of opportunities to engage and connect directly with Jen and other members. You will have access to the replay if you cannot make it live.

Is everything online?
Yes and no. The community is hosted virtually it making it easy for you to access all things Zenerjen on our private community site. But as a member, there will be exclusive opportunities to come on property and experience the horses first hand! Stay tuned on this front! We're working on some pretty incredible projects!

Do I get discounts on other Zenerjen programs?
ZenFemme members will always get access to new Zenerjen programs FIRST, before they are released to the public. You are the first in line of the leading edge of what Zenerjen is up to!

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